Aatma (Third Album)
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After two-and-a-half years in hibernation, Indipop fusion band Colonial Cousins, sprung into action with their third album Aatma. Released in April 2001, under the Sony label, the nine-track album was a delectable fusion of Indian vocals and contemporary instrumentation. Besides being busy in playback singing Hariharan had cut a ghazal album “Kaash” last year, while Lewis has been busy composing jingles and producing music.
Hariharan, an exponent of Carnatic music trained in Hindustani gayaki under the tutelage of Padamshree Ustad Ghulam Mustafa Khan, displays vocal skills in his rich baritone in songs like “Guiding Star”, “Mata Pita” and “Dheem Dheem Dhirena”.
Lewis, on the other hand, chips in with the pop element. While the English lyrics Lewis sings have depth and meaning, his vocals are delightfully sweet at places. One can easily detect a conscious attempt on his part to infuse his singing with emotion. Still, the saving grace of “Aatma” is the emphatic presence of Hariharan.
There is also a song “I Love You Girl” which Hariharan has dedicated to his daughter Divya. Its title “I love you girl, for Divya when I’m Gone” says everything.
In “Aatma”, they have got back to square one and incorporated the same sounds and style that music buffs have come to identify with them.
So in your next album or concert, would you be willing, to re-master the lyrics and include this remastered song with re-mastered lyrics ?. As i understand, few artists do that. Thank you, for taking your time to read through this. wish you good future.
Out of my memory for your song from my childhood, " krishna nee begane baroo ", I did youtube it, found it and did get to hear it, its a good song.,But it has few things wrong in it though, " Come back as Allah ", " come back as rama" " religion is the reason, the world is breaking up into pieces" are wrong and for many reasons. While Krishna, Rama, Jesus and Muhammad are avatars, who are manifestations of God., we can't use," come back as Allah" or " come back as God" because in,Allah/God is a Nirguna Brahman, and even Bhagavad Gita and Quran says, God is beyond existence, beyond shape and form, beyond words, beyond grasp, beyond imagination, beyond thought.,So Allah/God who is omnipresent won't come as manifested being.
To be more clear, manifestion means something that is manifested by god. Here manifested means creation of god. and Avatar means incarnation of heavenly being in the flesh in physical world. Manifestations can be many, it can be divine, it can flesh, it can spiritual being, it can also be non-living thing, while incarnation is living flesh often born as human or animal or similar being,manifestation, avatar/incarnation and God, all of three,are different.Prophet muhammad is the last prophet, Mahdi is not a prophet but saviour sent by god. Kalki, Maitreya and Mahdi fall in category of saviours/messiah, who are capable of fighting great evil and corrupt power. Which even jesus will be in his second coming.
Assuming that you are one of the people who see unity of religion, it would be more appropriate for you to edit the lyrics for the sake of accuracy, authenticity and also it would appeal to many religious people, both hindus and muslims alike. So there are three places where you need to edit. (1). Where you have, "come back as Allah", you ought to change it to " come back as Mehdi", because Mehdi is saviour from Allah, who is yet to come in the future much like Maitreya of buddhism Kalki of vishnu avatar, Hopi of native american Second coming of Jesus of christianity, who are yet to come in the future. (2). Where it says, " Come back as Rama", you ought to change it to " Come back as Kalki " because rama already came and he left the world, the next avatar that is waiting to come is Kalki avatar. (3). Where it says, " Religion is the reason, the world is breaking up into pieces" you ought to change it to "Evils, sins, vices, wars and corruption are the reasons, the world is breaking up into pieces", since religion is a way of life given by God, which asks for harmony, charity, love, peace, justice, equality, fairness, truth.